The Client

The Wilkes Center,
University of Utah

the challenge

Developing a grounded, modern identity for an innovative climate center


Education, Environment


A compelling vision with creative latitude

The Wilkes Center for Climate and Policy was launched at University of Utah in 2022 with a vision to catalyze innovative science and solutions to address climate change. The Center was looking to establish a brand identity that aligned with their vision and mission while capturing the attention of a wider audience. The Center entrusted our team with creative latitude—asking us to build a brand that evokes both the State of Utah’s climate legacy and future.


An organic, grounded brand

We built both a brand identity and corresponding marketing materials around the Center’ core values, creating a brand that is ambitious, bold, inclusive, innovative, inspirational, transparent, and trustworthy. Our deliverables leaned into a natural and organic color palette in a nod to Utah’s landscape.

from the client

Declarative helped the Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy visually stand out in ways parallel to our core mission. The Wilkes Center drives world-class climate research and puts solutions in the hands of decision-makers. Thanks to Declarative's work, our brand is as recognizable and compelling at the cutting edge of science as it is in the hands of policymakers or the general public.

MAX SEAWRIGHT, Associate Director, Research Development.

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built by declarative

built by declarative